Exhibit Booths

General Information

The 2025 St. George Area Parade of Homes, presented by ZIONS BANK and the Southern Utah Home Builders Association is a nationally known, award-winning event hosting thousands of visitors in search of the latest building, decorating, and landscaping trends. Exhibitors continue to participate year-after-year because of the excellent exposure they receive and the quality contacts they make. 


Exhibit Booth Flyer has dates and information about reserving exhibit booths.


The only Exhibit booths remaining and available are the purple spaces. They require builder permission and approval. You will have to contact the builder and they will communicate with SUHBA staff. Then you will be contacted to reserve your booth. 



Disclosure Information

As always, you are encouraged to exercise care in conducting appropriate due-diligence prior to utilizing any of the exhibitors/companies' products and/or services. The Southern Utah Builders Association does NOT endorse these exhibitor's products and/or services.

Reminder - SUHBA will do their best not to place competitor companies in the same garage, but there are no guarantees.